Sunday, December 5, 2010

The end isn't near; it's here...

Read to Think of Me - Phantom of the Opera

This is it.  It's not big deal in the big scheme of things, I know, but right here, right now, leaving indefinitely seems like the end of an era.

In many ways, I guess it IS the end an era.  Although Vancity is the home that never changes, I've changed so much I can barely remember the old me.  That shy and unassertive boy who ate lunches alone in the library.  In those days I wondered what it'd be like to be...accepted.  Popular of course, but also well-liked and loved by friends and comrades.

Although I've been lucky enough to experience that ever since I've met each and every one of YOU (you know who you guys are), these last few weeks have been a display of love of epic proportions.  Thank you all for making my last days in Vancouver so memorable, filled with laugher, and loving.

To quote G. Randolf: Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.  i will never forget the good times, the jokes, the laughs, the tears (well, not my tears), the hugs, or those moments where you feel all is good in the world.

So dear friends, I end not with 'goodbye' but with 'see you next time'.  I hope I'll be able to keep up the blog and I'd love getting emails from you guys!  Think of me every now and then!  I'll definitely be thinking of you guys... 

With all the love in my heart,

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